The VIRA Garden has launched products such as fresh dates, fertilizers, soil, processed pork and many more under the brand names that were created to categorize the product groups to avoid confusion among customers when choosing products. The brands that have been created are The VIRA Meat, The VIRA Fresh, The VIRA Plant, a total of 3 brands.
The VIRA fresh is a brand that reuses water from Saraburi Farm, through water treatment, and then uses it to grow dates in our garden so that the dates receive quality water, grow, and produce good products, and then deliver the products to consumers.
The VIRA Meat was born from the intention of processing pork from Saraburi Farm to sell under its own brand. The brand was born to make customers remember the branding and to deliver quality pork to consumers.
The VIRA plant is a brand that takes pig manure and cooling pads from Saraburi Farm and develops them to add value to agricultural products, including pig manure, planting soil, and supplementary soil, so that farmers can use quality products.
Water from pig farms is reused for crop fertilizer and pig waste is used to produce fertilizer for farming. We use by-products from pig farms to further develop agriculture by growing dates and avocados, which are high-value agriculture in line with the Circular Economy concept.
We intend to develop this area to be a learning area for both us
and everyone in high-value agriculture and doing business with
BCG Economy Model (Bio, Circular, Green)
A place that is a source of production, a source of raw materials and food for a better quality of life for everyone
Good living starts with consuming quality and safe food.
We wish you good health, good spirits, and happiness.
Fresh Dates
Khonaizi Variety
Fresh Dates
Barhi Variety
Fresh Dates
Nawader Variety
Fresh Dates
Deglet Nour Variety
Fresh Dates
Zughloul Variety
Instantly increase freshness and energy because it contains fructose sugar that the body can use as energy.
High fiber, not high blood sugar High fiber helps prevent constipation, slows down digestion and helps prevent blood sugar from being too high.
People who control blood sugar can eat it. Most of the sugar in dates is fructose sugar that the body can use as energy immediately. It does not stimulate the work of insulin. It is a fruit with a low glycemic index, so it does not cause high blood sugar (recommended to eat 3-5 dates per day).
Pregnant women should eat it. It has a compound similar to the hormone oxytocin that helps the cervix dilate, making birth easier (recommended to eat 6-7 dates during the 37th month of pregnancy until delivery).
How to eat
Fresh dates in a box are ready-to-eat fruits. You can eat the whole peel by biting along the length of the date. Some dates may be ripe, the color will be darker and the texture will be softer because the starch molecules have changed to sugar. It is recommended to freeze it to enhance the deliciousness from the sweeter taste.
Products born from the idea..
Zero Waste Using biological resources efficiently
Pig manure
Which can be used together with compost or chemical fertilizers very well.
Potting soil
You can mix in loose soil, coconut husks or shredded coconut before planting.
Soil reinforcement
You can mix in loose soil, coconut husks or shredded coconut before planting.
Pig placenta hormone
Wood vinegar
The Vira Farm Shop
A restaurant with its own unique identity such as carefully selected pork steak. The restaurant also has many other styles of food.
Because we have "dates" from our own garden, we have combined coffee and dates to create a signature "American Dates" and other beverage and dessert menus.
In addition, our restaurant also has a place to organize seminars, parties, meetings or even medium-sized auspicious events with a wide parking area that can accommodate up to 40 cars.